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引用本文:袁曙宏. 建立统一的公法学[J]. 中国法学, 2003, 0(5)
摘    要:近代公法经过二、三百年的发展 ,至 2 0世纪以后愈来愈显示其重要性、成熟性和整体性。随着公法的全面崛起 ,传统上按宪法学、行政法学、刑法学、诉讼法学、立法学、国际公法学等部门公法学科对公法进行分散和分割研究 ,已明显不适应现代公法发展的需要 ,建立一门介于法学与部门公法学之间的中观层次的统一公法学 ,对各部门公法进行综合性、整体性和系统性研究势在必行。本文在对建立统一公法学的必要性进行深入论证的基础上 ,进一步提出统一公法学要以整体公法规范、共性公法特征和一般公法规律等为主要内容确定研究对象 ,以公共权力与公民权利之间的关系为主线形成理论基础 ,以公共权力这一元概念及其派生的核心范畴和基本范畴为主体确立范畴构架 ,以对公法研究成果的系统整合为基础构建学科体系 ,从而对建立统一公法学的主要问题进行了全面探讨 ,以期填补统一公法学这一学科空白

关 键 词:公法  部门公法  部门公法学  统一公法学

Abstract:With the past two - three hundred years' development, the modern public laws bec ame more and more important, mature and integrated since the 20th century Trad i tionally, the dispersive and intersected public law researches were ground on th e sectional public laws like Constitutional laws, administrative laws, criminal laws, procedural laws, international public laws etc Nevertheless, with the al l -around emerging of public law, the traditional research way cannot adapt to the development needs of the modern public law Therefore, it is quite necessary f o r us to build up a kind of moderate unified public laws between the laws and the sectional public laws, so as to do the comprehensive, integrated and systematic researches on various sectional public laws Based on the in depth argumentat io n about the necessity of building up the unified public laws, this paper discuss in all around way about the main problems of buil ding up the unified public laws ,like its studying objects,theoretical basis,cat egory structure,disciplinary system,and so on,and expect to supply a gap for it
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