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Book Reviews
Abstract:Books reviewed:
David Mckay, Designing Europe: Comparative Lessons from the Federal Experience
Adrienne Héritier et al., Differential Europe: The European Union Impact on National Policymaking,
Montserrat Guibernau (ed.), Governing European Diversity
Alec Stone Sweet, Wayne Sandholtz and Neil Fligstein (eds.), The Institutionalization of Europe
David Calleo, Rethinking Europe's Future
by Simon Walters, Tory Wars: Conservatives in Crisis
Boris Johnson, Friends, Voters, Countrymen: Jottings on the Stump
Edward Vaizey, Nicholas Bore and Michael Gove (eds.), A Blue Tomorrow: New Visions for Modern Conservatives
Victor Davis Hanson, Why the West Has Won: Carnage and Culture from Salamis to Vietnam
Michael Howard, The Invention of Peace: Reflections on War and International Order
Ulrich Beck, The Brave New World of Work
Ian Gough, Global Capital, Human Needs and Social Policies: Selected Essays 1994–99
Roland Axtmann (ed.), Balancing Democracy
Richard Vernon, Political Morality: A Theory of Liberal Democracy
Paul Ward, The Red Flag and the Union Jack: Englishness, Patriotism and the British Left, 1881–1924
Peter Hennessy, The Secret State: Whitehall and the Cold War
James Ellison, Threatening Europe: Britain and the Creation of the European Economic Community 1955–58
Murray Edelman, The Politics of Misinformation
Nicholas Jones, Campaign 2001
James Stanyer, The Creation of Political News: Television and British Party Political Conferences
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