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引用本文:胡泽明. 穿越透明的正义——论司法透明度的构建与机制保障[J]. 美中法律评论, 2008, 0(2): 41-49
摘    要:依照现代司法理念,司法必须以公众为基础,反映公众最广泛的信赖,如果司法神秘化,司法过程带有暗箱操作,公众没有知情权,即使司法结果公正,公众也难以认同。中国司法的人民性和司法权的公共性,决定了司法机关司法活动应当向社会公开。司法透明有利于提升当事人的程序主体地位,保障当事人的诉讼权利。同时又是预防司法腐败的有力武器和防止司法黑幕的重要手段。20多年来,中国各级人民法院着力于提高司法透明度工作,在法治框架下,推行公开审判,改革诉讼方式,强化裁判文书说理,加强庭审的实质化等,取得了较大的进展。但除法律规定应当保密的环节以外,司法过程不透明现象在审判工作的各个环节还不同程度地存在,说明中国的司法透明度建设还有很长的路要走。如何正视这些问题,井在认识司法透明度价值的基础上对之以合理的构建和保障,是当前中国人民法院审判工作中的一个重要课题。

关 键 词:司法透明度  构建  机制保障

Through transparent justice: On construction of judicial transparency and the protection mechanism
HU Ze-ming. Through transparent justice: On construction of judicial transparency and the protection mechanism[J]. US-China Law Review, 2008, 0(2): 41-49
Authors:HU Ze-ming
Abstract:In accordance with the modern concept of justice, the justice must be based on the public, reflecting the wide range of public trust. If the justice becomes mystification, the judicial process with a black-box operations, the public does not know the inside story, even if it leads to a fair judicial outcome, the public can hardly agree. In China the people nature of judicial justice and the public nature of judicial rights determined that the judicial activities should be open to the society. Justice transparent is helpful to upgrading the process status of the main parties and to protecting litigation rights of the party. At the same time justice transparent is a powerful weapon of preventing corruption in the judiciary process, and it is also an important means of preventing judicial Inside Story. For more than 20 years, the people's courts at all levels in China concentrated on enhancing judicial transparency, under the rule of law framework, implementing an open trial, reforming litigation ways, strengthening judicial reasoning, strengthening the real of the trial, and had made substantial progress. But with the exception of the legal part of confidentiality, lack of transparency in the judicial process still exists to some extend, and the transparency of China's judicial construction still has a long way to go. How to envisage these issues, and how to reasonably build and protect the judicial transparency in the understanding of its value, is currently a very important subject of Chinese Court trial work.
Keywords:justice transparent  construct  mechanism guarantee
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