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引用本文:张庆东,;陈子定. 困境与出路:中国民事诉讼“新证据”制度研究[J]. 美中法律评论, 2008, 0(2): 50-58
作者姓名:张庆东,  陈子定
作者单位:[1]厦门市集美区人民法院,福建厦门361021; [2]福建方与圆律师事务所,福建厦门361004
摘    要:《最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》是证据制度完善的主要手段和途径:该规定纳入有限证据的观念,确立了举证时限制度,促使当事人及时收集和提供证据,推动法院由以往的追求“客观真实”转变为以当事人在有限的时间内提供能证明的“法律真实”的证据作为民事纠纷裁判的依据,避免对证据进行无休止地搜索而导致司法资源的浪费和诉讼的拖延。平衡程序公正和实体公正,避免过分强调证据适时提出而导致实体不公,该规定以“新证据”作为举证时限制度的例外或限制,并对不同阶段的“新证据”作了初步的规定。但由于该规定是在现有的法律框架内制定的,在制度设计上尚存在缺陷,有关“新证据”的规定较为简翠笼统。司法实践中对“新证据”的把握也或宽或严,操作不一。背离举证时限制度设立的本意,造成程序公正和贵体公正的价值失衡。考察与反思民事诉讼程序中的“新证据”,对于充分发挥举证时限制度的作用,实现程序公正和实体公正的统一具有重要意义。

关 键 词:新证据  认定  困境  出路

Predicament and approach: Study on the "new evidence" system in civil action in China
Affiliation:ZHANG Qin-dong, CHEN Zi-ding
Abstract:The Several Provisions of Supreme People's Court Concerning Evidence of Civil Actions is the means and approaches perfecting the evidence system. The provisions incorporate the concept of limited evidence, establishing the time limit system of evidence production, enabling litigants to collect and produce evidence in time, as a result courts of law make judgments of civil actions based upon evidence of "legal truth" which can be proved within limited time by litigants rather than seeking "objective truth" in the last. This stops endless search of evidence which results waste of judicial resources and delay of litigation. In this way procedural justice and substantive justice are balanced, avoiding overemphasis on timely production of evidence which results substantive injustice. The provisions employ "new evidence" as exception or limit of the time limit system of evidence production and preliminarily define "new evidence" in different stages. However, the provisions are established within current legal system, therefore there is defect in system design and provisions relating to "new evidence" are relatively simple and ambiguous. In legal practice the understanding and operation of "new evidence" vary significantly, deviating from the original purpose of the establishment of the time limit system of evidence production, resulting in unbalance of value of procedural justice and substantive justice. Observing and weighing "new evidence" in civil procedures has significance in facilitating the function of the time limit system of evidence production and achieving unity of procedural justice and substantive justice.
Keywords:new evidence  identification  predicament  approach
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