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Historical Conditions and Experiences Summary of China's Human Rights Development Path Since the Founding of the PRC
Abstract:Since the founding of the People's republic of china, the path of human rights development in china has been based on national liberation and state sovereignty.The practice of human rights protection in the 30 years before the launch of reform and opening-up accumulated the conditions for the practice after the launch of reform and opening-up.reform and opening-up have provided the great motivation and opportunity for the development of human rights in china.against the background of international practice, china's human rights development path, since the founding of the People's republic of china, has been developed in the fight against human rights diplomacy that interferes in china's internal affairs with human rights used as a political tool.it has gone through the process from evasion to passive counterattacks, and then actively participating and playing a leading role.The 70 years' development of human rights in china shows that human rights progress is highly dependent on the country's construction of the rule of law, and the coordinated and comprehensive promotion of human rights protection policies promotes the overall progress of the human rights.in order to promote human rights with development, the transition from the top-down path to the combination of top-down and down-top path is suggested.
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