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  Approximately two years have lapsed since the implementationof the Prospectus Directive in most EU Member States, whichwas required by 1 July 2005. In spite of the Prospectus Regulationand CESR's Recommendations (on level 2, respectively level 3of the Lamfalussy process) . . . [Full Text of this Article]     Use of supplemental prospectus for new offerings (FAQ no. 25)Supplemental prospectus and interim financial information (FAQ no. 16)Supplemental prospectus and profit forecast (FAQ no. 17)Conversion exemption (FAQ no. 22)Use of annual report as registration document (FAQ no. 8)Financial information of start-up entities (FAQ no. 14)   10 per cent-exemption for units in a limited partnershipDisclosure issues for investment entitiesRisk factor disclosure  

Disclosure practices under the EU Prospectus Directive and the role of CESR
Authors:Franx   Jan Paul
Affiliation:* Partner Finance and Capital Markets, NautaDutilh N.V., Amsterdam.
Abstract:The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below. Key points
  • In February 2005, CESR issued its Recommendationsfor the consistent implementation of the Prospectus Regulation.
  • SinceJuly 2006, CESR has begun to develop a line of clarificationson disclosure practices under the Prospectus Directive and theProspectus Regulation in the form of common positions basedon Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
  • This article first analysesthe question to which extent CESR's Recommendations and commonpositions have binding effect, in the sense that individualnational securities regulators are under some form of obligationto apply these.
  • Subsequently, the article discusses a selectionof CESR's common positions on FAQs which are of material importancefor day-to-day disclosure practice.
  1. Introduction   2. The role of CESR  3. CESR's common positions based on frequently asked questions (FAQs) with respect to disclosure practices   4. Disclosure practices (presently) beyond CESR's guidance   5. Conclusion
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