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引用本文:李训虎. “案结事了”的司法观与裁判事实的可接受性[J]. 证据科学, 2009, 17(6): 668-676
摘    要:为了应对数量庞大的涉法涉诉上访问题,人民法院一直采取诸多措施予以遏制。然而,最令司法实务部门主政者关注的“千方百计上京城”形势依然严峻。“案结事不了”成为摆在司法实务部门主政者面前的难题。在治理上访问题上,最高司法实务部门漂移在两种理念之间,提出“案结事了”的新型司法观。“案结事了”的司法观作为价值目标与行动指南的统一体将调解作为首要的结案方式,改变了调解在当下法院纠纷解决机制中的定位,成为主导全国法院的不同于既往司法观的主流司法意识形态。这样一种司法观却使得裁判事实可接受性的来源建立在当事人对于自身权利的放弃以及模糊的事实认定的基础之上,改变了当下裁判事实可接受性的来源,危及了将来可能的裁判事实可接受性的来源。

关 键 词:上访  案结事了  裁判事实  可接受性

Judicial View on "Case Closed with Matter Resolved" and Acceptability of Adjudicative Fact
Li Xunhu. Judicial View on "Case Closed with Matter Resolved" and Acceptability of Adjudicative Fact[J]. Evidence Science, 2009, 17(6): 668-676
Authors:Li Xunhu
Abstract:Although the People's Court has been taking as many measures as possible to control the problem of large numbers of complaints involving law and litigation, " Struggle to Beijing" still remains a serious problem for the competent judicial implementation agency.‘A Case closed with matter resolved' becomes a great challenge for the agency. In order to deal with the visits of complaint effectively, the highest level of judicial implementation agency, drifting between two concepts, put forward a new type of judicial view of 'case closed with matter resolved'. As a unified entity of value objectives and action guidelines, this judicialview takes mediation as the first method of closing a case. It changes the status of mediation in the existing mechanism of dispute resolution by court and becomes the mainstream of shaping judicial consciousness . But such a view makes the source of acceptability of an adjudicative fact based on the abandonment of rights by the party and being aware of ambiguous fact-finding, it changes the current source of acceptability of an adjudicative fact and endangers the potential of the future source.
Keywords:Visits of Complaint   "Case closed with matter resovled"   Adjudicative fact   Acceptability
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