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Electoral Realignment and Economic Change Among Brazil's “New Middle Classes”
Authors:Fabrício H. Chagas Bastos
Affiliation:Endeavour Research Fellow at the School of Politics and International Relations at the Australian National University
Abstract:Luiz Dulci, Um salto para o futuro. Como o governo Lula colocou o Brasil na rota do desenvolvimento [A jump to the future: how the Lula government has put Brazil on the route of development]. São Paulo: Fundação Perseu Abramo, 2013. 123 pp.; paperback R$25. Marcelo Neri, A nova classe média: O lado brilhante da base da pirâmide [The new middle class: the shining side of the base of the pyramid]. Rio de Janeiro: Saraiva, 2011. Abbreviations, figures, tables, graphics, bibliography, 280 pp.; paperback R$40. Marcio Pochmann, Nova classe média? O trabalho na base da pirâmide social brasileira [New middle class? The work at the base of the Brazilian social pyramid]. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2012. Bibliography, 128 pp.; paperback R$36. André V. Singer, Os sentidos do lulismo. Reforma gradual e pacto conservador [The senses of Lulismo: gradual reform and conservative pact]. São Paulo: Cia. das Letras, 2012. Tables, notes, bibliography, index, 280 pp.; paperback R$31.
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