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More Female Judges: An Important Way to Adopt Gender Perspective in Judicial Process
Authors:LIU Chang  HU Tu
Abstract:As the proverb goes, “There is no right without a remedy”. In order to provide complete protection for women, it is important that the court which has the power to grant remedies adopt a gender perspective in its decision making. Measures like discipline and training turn out to be fruitless to promote the adoption because of their inability to insert a female perspective in male judges, while appointing more female judges proves to be fruitful. Female judges do have different experiences from their male counterparts; hence they have a deep understanding of the plight and demand of women, which will affect the way they address the problems that confront them, both substantive and procedural. In a word, females bring to judging a unique perspective which can better protect women’s rights; thus the appointment of more female judges ought to be adopted as an important social policy.
Keywords:female judge  gender perspective  protection of women’s rights  
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