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引用本文:陈鹏. 政绩式改革的生成逻辑及其治理路径[J]. 宁夏党校学报, 2020, 22(2): 80-89
作者单位:安徽师范大学 法学院,安徽 芜湖 241002
摘    要:党的十八大以来,地方政府改革和创新的热情不断高涨,诞生了以最多跑一次街道吹哨、部门报到等较为典型的改革模式,得到中央的认可并在全国推广。但同时也要看到,地方自主行为空间的增大和上级对于地方政府官员绩效考核指标从单纯的注重经济增长到经济发展与改革创新并重的转变,使得地方政府官员的行为策略发生明显变化,相伴而生的就是政绩式改革问题日渐凸显。政绩式改革的存在,使得地方治理易于陷入政府工作重心发生偏离、治理资源出现错配或无效配置、公共政策缺乏稳定性和连续性、真正干实事的干部难以获得晋升等问题。而增强顶层设计方案的可操作性、提高居民满意度在地方官员绩效考核指标体系中的权重、帮助地方政府官员树立正确理性的改革观和维持地方政府政策的稳定性和连续性是治理政绩式改革的基本路径。

关 键 词:政绩式改革  绩效考核  政府政策

Political Performance Oriented Reform:The Logic of Generation and the Pathway of Governance
Chen Peng. Political Performance Oriented Reform:The Logic of Generation and the Pathway of Governance[J]. Journal of Ningxia Communist Party Institute, 2020, 22(2): 80-89
Authors:Chen Peng
Affiliation:(School of Law,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu Anhui,241002)
Abstract:Since the 18th CPC National Congress,local governments’enthusiasm to reform and innovate has been increasing,which creates several typical reform modes such as“providing service without the need for a second visit”and“neighborhood reports problem by whistling,and administrative departments come to solve problem jointly”.These are recognized by the Central Committee and then spread over the country.Meanwhile,we must see the obvious change of behavioral strategy of local governmental officers which are caused by two major reasons:firstly,the independence of local government has increased,and secondly,the index of performance evaluation has been altered from sole economic development criterion to an equal evaluation of economic development,reform and innovation.All these are accompanied by the problems of political performance oriented reform.This kind of reform makes it easier for the local governments to get deviated from their focus and make wrong or ineffective allocation of governance resources.Other problems also come up during this kind of reform,for example,the public policy might not be stable enough to continue and those who have done a good job are unable to get their due promotion.This paper offers four pathways to solve the problems of performance-oriented reform.Firstly,we should work to increase the feasibility of top-level design.Secondly,we should increase the percentage of residential scarification in the performance evaluation index.Thirdly,we need to educate the local officer with a correct and rational view of reform.And finally,we should try to maintain the stability and continuity of public policy.
Keywords:Political Performance Oriented Reform  Performance Evaluation System  Governmental Policy
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