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Case report: Identification of skeletal remains using short-amplicon marker analysis of severely degraded DNA extracted from a decomposed and charred femur
Authors:M. Fondevila, C. Phillips, N. Naveran, L. Fernandez, M. Cerezo, A. Salas,   . Carracedo,M.V. Lareu
Affiliation:aInstitute of Legal Medicine, Genomic Medicine Group, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain;bGenomic Medicine Group, CIBERER, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Abstract:Applying two extraction protocols to isolate DNA from a charred femur recovered after a major forest fire, a range of established and recently developed forensic marker sets that included mini-STRs and SNPs were used to type the sample and confirm identity by comparison to a claimed daughter of the deceased. Identification of the remains suggested that the individual had been dead for 10 years and the DNA was therefore likely to be severely degraded from the combined effects of decomposition and exposure to very high temperatures. We used new marker sets specifically developed to analyze degraded DNA comprising both reduced-length amplicon STR sets and autosomal SNP multiplexes, giving an opportunity to assess the ability of each approach to successfully type highly degraded material from a challenging case. The results also suggest a modified ancient DNA extraction procedure offers improved typing success from degraded skeletal material.
Keywords:Degraded DNA analysis   Forensic identification   STR   Mini-STR   SNP
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