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摘    要:中国首次大规模法律清理即将开始;《老年人权益保障法》修订草案开始起草;最高人民法院首提“四严”刑事政策 ;物权法适用等今年将出司法解释;中国检察机关近五年追回赃款、赃物共计240多亿元。

关 键 词:《老年人权益保障法》  线索  信息  最高人民法院  法律清理  修订草案  刑事政策  司法解释

Record of Events
Abstract:China to start first large-scale check of existing laws;China starts formulation of draft revision of law on protection of rights and interests of the aged;Supreme Court discloses new principle for implementing criminal policy of combining harshness with leniency;Supreme Court to make judicial interpretation on Property Law ,etc;Chinese procuratorates recover large quantity of illicit money and booty.
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