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Abstract:Books reviewed in this article.
T he A frican A wakening . By B asil D avidson .
B lack M oses , the S tory of M arcus G arvey .
E lections and E lectors . By J. F. S. R oss .
L e R egime P olitique B ritannique . By A ndre M athiot .
M oslems on the M arch . By F. W. F ernau .
B ritish P ost -W ar M igration . By J ulius I saac .
P eopling the B ritish C ommonwealth . By G. F. M c C leary .
C ulture and H uman F ertility . By F rank L orimer , with special contributions by Meyer Fortes, K. A. Busia, Audrey I. Richards, Priscilla Reining and Giorgio Mortara.
A merican C onstitutional L aw . By B ernard S chwartz .
T he "H igher L aw " B ackground of A merican C onstitutional L aw . By E dward S. C orwin .
I ndia : N ew P attern . By L ady H artog .
I ndia at a G lance . Edited by G. D. B inani and T. V. R ama R ao .
T he T heory of E conomic G rowth . By W. A rthur L ewis .
S oviet E ncounter . By R ear -A dmiral P eltier .
T rade U nions and T he L aw . By H oratio V ester and A nthony H. G ardner .
T he U nknown P rime M inister : T he L ife and T imes of A ndrew B onar law , 1858–1923. By R obert B lake .
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