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Book Reviews
Abstract:Book reviewed in this article:
P resent at the C reation . M y Y ears in the S tate D epartment . By D ean A cheson .
C olour and C itizenship . By E. J. B. R ose , in association with N icholas D eakin and others.
P olitical C hange in B ritain . By D avid B utler and D onald S tokes .
N ationalism and E conomic D evelopment in G hana . By R oger G enoud .
S tudies on M arx and H egel . By J ean H yppolite . Edited and translated by J ohn O'N eill .
T he M arxian R evolutionary I dea . By R obert C. T ucker .
A n I nterpretation of the P olitical I deas of M arx and E ngels . By J. B. S anderson .
T he C ollapse of the T hird R epublic : an I nquiry I nto the F all of F rance in 1940. By W illiam L. S hirer .
P lanning and the P oliticians . By A. H. H anson .
C ontending A pproaches to I nternational P olitics . Edited by K laus K norr and J ames N. R osenau .
C rises in F oreign P olicy . A S imulation A nalysis . By C harles F. H ermann .
C omparative F oreign R elations : F ramework and M ethods . By D avid O. W ilkinson .
I nternational O rganization : W orld P olitics . Studies in Economic and Social Agencies. Edited by R obert W. C ox .
T he U nited N ations E conomic and S ocial C ouncil . By W alter R. S harp .
I nternational P olitics . C onflict and H armony . By J oseph F rankel .
M easure for M easure : R eforming the T rade U nions . By S tephen F ay .
T he F oreign O ffice and F oreign P olicy 1898–1914. By Z ara S. S teiner .
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