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摘    要:我国《刑法》第5条既是刑法的基本原则,也是量刑公正的一般标准,它要求量刑精确制导,最大限度地避免刑罚误差。实现量刑精确制导的根本出路是理论创新和方法创新,这主要表现在三个方面:(1)依法构建量刑标尺,将法定刑空间划分为200个刻度,把其中各种刑罚折算或者虚拟为有期徒刑的月数,明确1个刻度所体现的不同性质刑罚的度量,用以计算刑罚的轻重程度;(2)在正确定罪并找准法定刑的前提下,理性评价犯罪人具有的量刑情节,将其所反映的社会危害程度和人身危险程度用一定数值(积分)表示,借以计算行为人罪责的大小程度;(3)将量刑情节的轻重积分与量刑空间的轻重刻度按"1∶1"的标准相对应,前者在相应量刑空间中的读数,便是量刑公正的最佳适度。

关 键 词:罪责  量刑  量刑精确制导  法官自由裁量权

Accuracy of Sentencing
Abstract:Article 5 of the Criminal Act of the PRC is deemed the basic principle of criminal law and the general standard of sentence.It requires that sentencing be accurate and errors be avoided as much as possible.A theoretical and methodological innovation is held vital to accuracy of sentencing,which is made in three processes:(1) To make a sentencing scale with 200 marks each of which indicates a term of imprisonment and the severity of the punishment in proportion to the prescribed penalties for the crime so as to measure the severity of sentence.(2) After proper conviction and determination that what sort of punishment is to be imposed,to evaluate rationally the circumstances of the case and use a series of numbers to show the extent of social and personal injuries so as to measure the criminal liability of the convicted.(3) To make sure that the score of criminal liability corresponding with the marks of sentencing scale so as to determine the most proper sentence.
Keywords:criminal liability  sentence  accuracy of sentence  discretion
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