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Microgeographic variation of Y-chromosome haplotypes in Italy
Authors:S. Pelotti,C. Bini,L. Caenazzo,N. Cerri,G. Ferri,V. Onofri,C. Previderè  ,C. Robino,F. Torricelli,S. Presciuttini,GeFI's group of Y-chromosome characterization
Affiliation:a Department of Medicine and Public Health, Section of Legal Medicine, University of Bologna, Italy
b Department of Forensic Genetics, Studio Indagini Mediche e Forensi (SIMEF), Italy
c Department of Environmental Medicine and Public Health, University of Padova, Italy
d Department of Surgery and Forensic Sciences, University of Perugia and Section of Legal Medicine, Hospital of Terni, Italy
e Department of Surgery, Radiology and Forensic Medicine, University of Brescia, Italy
f University of Pisa, Italy
g Department of Diagnostic and Laboratory Service and Legal Medicine, Section of Legal Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
h Andros Day Surgery, Reproduction Medicine Center, Palermo, Italy
i Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Ancona, Italy
j Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Milan, Italy
k Department of Environmental Medicine and Public Health, University of Pavia, Italy
l Medical Genetic Unit, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria “A. Meyer”, Florence, Italy
m Department of Anatomy, Pharmacology and Legal Medicine, University of Turin, Italy
n Institute of Legal Medicine, Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy
o Genetic Diagnostic Unit, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi, Florence, Italy
p Department of Biomedical Sciences, Section of Legal Medicine, University of Ferrara, Italy
q Center of Statistical Genetics, University of Pisa, Italy
Abstract:Within an Italian collaborative exercise on the extended haplotype of the Y-chromosome, 1288 subjects were typed by the AmpFlSTR YFiler Amplification Kit (AB Applied Biosystems) and other 526 were typed by the PowerPlex Y® System (Promega). The sampling scheme included either a “regional” or a “local” recruitment, the first referring to individuals born in the region of the participating lab, the second referring to individuals coming from small villages. Total sample sizes were N = 954 and 860, respectively. A significant decrease of haplotype diversity was found in the local samples. The results may be of interest in forensic applications of the Y-chromosome.
Keywords:Y-chromosome   Population data   Short tandem repeats   Haplotypes
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