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Frontier Justice: Legal Aid and UNHCR Refugee Status Determination in Egypt
Authors:Kagan   Michael
Affiliation:Refugee Rights Clinic, Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel kaganm{at}post.tau.ac.il
Abstract:Where UNHCR conducts refugee status determination (RSD), itsreactions to legal aid for asylum-seekers have been mixed. Statisticalevidence collected from Egypt in 2002 indicates a correlationbetween receiving some form of legal aid service and an asylum-seeker'sincreased chances of gaining refugee protection from UNHCR.Unconventional forms of legal aid, including limited servicesby supervised non-lawyers (including volunteers from the refugeecommunity) showed a positive impact on first instance cases,while traditional legal aid models showed an impact at the appealstage. Legal aid should form an essential part of UNHCR's RSDprocedures, and NGOs should work to expand both traditionaland innovative forms of legal aid for asylum-seekers.
Keywords:refugee status determination    legal aid    UNHCR    Egypt
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