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Capturing vote-seeking incentives and the cultivation of a personal and party vote
Affiliation:London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Government, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE, UK
Abstract:Electoral rules establish incentives that encourage candidates to strike a particular balance between cultivating their own personal reputations and cultivating shared party reputations. Higher levels of intraparty competition stress the need for an individual reputation and minimize the usefulness of a shared, party reputation. We develop a new indicator of intraparty competition that addresses shortcomings pointed out in previously used indicators. We also identify new, particularly intuitive indicators of ”personal” and ”party” vote seeking. Using within-system and across-system variation in parliamentary elections in Japan, we find that candidate manifestos contain more frequent uses of first-person pronouns and candidate names and fewer references to political parties when intraparty competition is stiffest.
Keywords:Measuring intraparty competition  Personal vote seeking incentives  Party vote seeking incentives  Candidate manifestos  SMDP  SNTV  Japan
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