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引用本文:吕雪梅,黄升. 公安许可制度改革的系统思考[J]. 法学论坛, 2004, 19(6): 50-56
作者姓名:吕雪梅  黄升
作者单位:1. 山东警察学院,山东济南,250014
2. 中国华融资产管理公司济南办事处,山东济南,250014
摘    要:公安许可是公安机关为了防止危险而实施的一种事前控制机制,属于对社会干预程度较强的、成本较高的抑制性规制手段。对公安许可的过分依赖是形成公安被动型静态管理模式的主要原因,严峻的社会治安形势迫切要求改革现有公安管理模式,提高公安管理效能。因此,我们有必要对公安许可制度改革与公安行政管理以及刑事侦查之间的关系进行系统思考,客观分析公安许可的基本属性,探明公安许可制度改革的可行之路。

关 键 词:公安许可  行政法律行为  事前控制机制  公安管理模式

Reflection of Systematic on the Reform of Public Security Licence System
Abstract:Public security licence is a mechanism of before the event for preventing danger and a restrainable intervencing means on society that has powerful level and higher cost.Excessive dependence on the public security licence system is the major reason of forming managerial pattern of static state and passivity at present.Severe situation of public order urgent need perfect the pattern at present and improve efficacy of the management of public security.Consequently,it is necessary to systematic reflect on the relation between the reform of public security licence system and administration of public security and criminial investigation,analyse objectivly the basic attribute of public security licence,find out a feasible way of the reform of public security licence system.
Keywords:Public Security Licence  Legal Action of Administrative  Restrainable Mechanism of Before the Event  Managerial Pattern  
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