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Authors:Neil Harding  Graeme Gill  Robert F. Byrnes  Peter Shearman  Roger E. Kanet  Ken Booth
Affiliation:1. University College , Swansea;2. University of Sydney;3. Indiana University;4. University of Essex;5. University of Illinois , Urbana‐Champaign;6. University College of Wales , Aberystwyth
Abstract:David W. Lovell, From Marx to Lenin. An Evaluation of Marx's Responsibility for Soviet Authoritarianism. London: Cambridge University Press, 1984, xii + 231 pp. £19–50.

A. J. Polan, Lenin and the End of Politics. London: Methuen, 1984, vi + 229 pp. h/b £12–95, p/b £5–95.

David Lane, State and Politics in the USSR. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1985, xv + 398 pp. h/b £27–50 p/b £8.95. Soviet Economy and Society. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1985, xiii + 342 pp. h/b £27–50 p/b £8.95.

Curtis Keeble, ed., The Soviet State. The Domestic Roots of Soviet Foreign Policy, London: Gower, 1985, 244 pp. h/b £17.50 p/b 8.95.

Adam B. Ulam, Dangerous Relations: The Soviet Union in World Politics, 1970–1982. New York: Oxford University Press, 1983 vi + 325 pp., £5–95.

Gerald Segal, ed., The Soviet Union in East Asia: Predicaments of Power. London: Heinemann, 1983. x + 150 pp., h/b £14–50 p/b £6–50.

Bruce D. Porter, The USSR in Third World Conflicts: Soviet Arms and Diplomacy in Local Wars 1945–1980. Cambridge, London, New York, New Rochelle, Melbourne, Sydney: Cambridge University Press, 1984, viii + 248 pp., £20–00, $29.95.

Robert L. Pfaltzgraff, Jr., and Uri Ra'anan, eds., National Security Policy. The Decision‐making Process, Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1984, xiv + 311 pp. £35.30.

Yosef Avidar, The Party and the Army in the Soviet Union. Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University, 1983, 340 pp., h/b $25.00.

William Moskoff, Labour and Leisure in the Soviet Union: The Conflict Between Public and Private Decision‐Making in a Planned Economy. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1984, xv + 225 pp., £25.00.

Raymond Hutchings, The Soviet Budget. London and Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1983, x + 204 pp., £25.00.

Gary Littlejohn, A Sociology of the Soviet Union. London and Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1984, ix + 286 pp., h/b £18–00, p/b £6–95.

J. P. Cole, Geography of the Soviet Union. London: Butterworths, 1984, xiv + 452 pp., £14.95.

Robert G. Jensen, Theodore Shabad and Arthur W. Wright eds., Soviet Natural Resources in the World Economy. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1983, xix + 700 pp., £92.00.

Olympiad S. Ioffe and Peter B. Maggs, Soviet Law in Theory and Practice, London, Rome, New York: Oceana Publications, Inc., 1983, 237 pp., $35–00.

V. I. Smolyarchuk, Giganty i charodei slova. Russkie sudebnye oratory vtoroi poloviny XIX—nachala XX veka. Moscow, 1984, 272 pp., 65 kop.

Dina Kaminskaya, Final Judgement. My Life as a Soviet Defence Lawyer. London: Harvill Press, 1983, 364 pp., £12.95.

Dina Kaminskaya, Zapiski advokata. Vermont: Khronika Press, 1984, 345 pp., no price.

Gabriel Gorodetsky, Stafford Cripps’ Mission to Moscow 1940–42, Cambridge: the University Press, 1984, 377 pp., £25.00.

E. H. Carr (Edited by Tamara Deutscher), The Comintern and the Spanish Civil War. London: Macmillan, 1984, xx + 111pp., h/b £17–50, p/b £6.95.

David Mandel, The Petrograd Workers and the Fall of the Old Regime: From the February Revolution to the July Days 1917. London: Macmillan, (in association with the Centre for Russian and East European Studies, University of Birmingham), 1983, xii + 210 + 10 pp., £25.00.

David Mandel, The Petrograd Workers and the Soviet Seizure of Power: From the July Days 1917 to July 1918. London: Macmillan, (in association with the Centre for Russian and East European Studies, University of Birmingham), 1984, xv + 227 + 12 pp., £25.00.

Geoffrey Swain, Russian Social Democracy and the Legal Labour Movement, 1906–14. London: Macmillan, 1983, xiv + 239 pp., £25.00.

Benjamin Pinkus, The Soviet Government and the Jews 1948–1967. A Documented Study. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984, xvi + 612 pp., £35.00.

Jakub Blum and Vera Rich, The Image of the Jew in Soviet Literature: the Post‐Stalin Period. New York: Ktav Publishing House, Inc., 1984, 276 pp., No price quoted.

Yaacov Roi ed., The USSR and the Muslim World. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1984, xv + 298 pp., £25.00.

Michael Bruchis, Nationsnationalities ‐ People: A Study of the nationalities policy of the Communist Party in Soviet Moldavia. Boulder Colorado: East European Monographs, distributed by Columbia University Press, New York, 1984, iv + 230 pp., No price quoted.

Michael J. Sodaro and Sharon L. Wolchik eds., Foreign and Domestic Policy in Eastern Europe in the 1980s: Trends and Prospects. London: Macmillan, 1983, x + 265 pp., £25.00.

Adam Zwass, The Economies of Eastern Europe in a time of change. London: Macmillan, 1984, ix + 170 pp., £20.00.

R. Dietz, Die Energiewirtschaft in Osteuropa und der UdSSR. Vienna and New York: Springer‐Verlag, 1984, 248 pp., $17.90, DM 49.—.

Ferenc Feher and Agnes Heller, Hungary 1956 Revisited. The Message of a Revolutiona Quarter of a Century After. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1983, xviii + 174 pp., £15.00.

Ray Taras, Ideology in a Socialist State; Poland 1956–83. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1984, x + 299 pp., £25.00.

Fred Singleton, A Short History of the Yugoslav Peoples, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985, xiii + 309 pp., h/b £22.50, p/b £7.50.

Martin McCauley, The German Democratic Republic since 1945. London: Macmillan, 1983, xiv + 282 pp., £25.00.

Raymond Bentley, Technological Change in the German Democratic Republic. Boulder, Colorado and London: Westview Press, 1984, xx + 296 pp., $25.00.

Paul‐Gunther Schmidt, Internationale Wahrungspolitik im sozialistischen Staat, Stuttgart, New York: Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1985, xii + 447 pp., DM 48.

R. H. Haigh, D. S. Morris, A. R. Peters, eds., German‐Soviet Relations in the Weimar Era. Aldershot: Gower, 1985, viii + 206 pp., £15.00.

Mireille Maqua, Rome‐Moscou, l'Ostpolitik du Vatican, Liège: Cabay publishers, 1985, 248 pp., 580 F.B.

Ian Nish, The Origins of the Russo‐Japanese War, (Origins of Modern Wars Series: General Editor, Harry Hearder), Longman, London and New York, 1985. xiii + 274 pp. £6.95 paper.

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