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Abstract:Book reviewed in this article:
G eorge O rwell . A L ife . By B ernard C rick .
B lood of S pain . T he E xperience of C ivil W ar 1936–1939. By R onald F raser .
T he B ackbench D iaries . By R ichard G rossman . Edited by J anet M organ .
T he R ise and F all of the P olitical P ress in B ritain , VOLUME 1: T he N ineteenth C entury . By S tephen K oss .
A narchism . A T heoretical A nalysis . By A lan R itter .
A D iscourse on P roperty . J ohn L ocke and his A dversaries . By J ames T ully .
T axation and S ocial P olicy . E dited by C edric S andford , C hris P ond and R obert W alker .
I nequality in B ritain : F reedom , W elfare and the state . By F rank F ield .
T he C auses of T he P resent I nflation . By A ndrew T ylecote .
T he R ealities B ehind D iplomacy : B ackground I nfluences on B ritish E xternal P olicy 1865–1980. By P aul K ennedy .
T he M eaning of C onservatism . By R oger S cruton .
B iological H usbandry : A S cientific A pproach to O rganic F arming . E dited by B. S tonehouse .
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