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Learn from History to Preserve Peace and Promote Development——In memory of the 60^th anniversary of the victory of the World War of Anti-Fascism
作者姓名:Yu Sui Wang Wei(Translated)
摘    要:The year of 2005is the 60thanniversary of thevictory ofthe W orld W ar of A nti-Fascism . It is alofty m ission of the m ankind to learn from historyin order to face the future, to preserve peace andto prom ote developm ent. This article covers twom ain points: one is the reflection on the W orldW ar of A nti-fascism and the other is the currentworld situation after 60years ofthe war.The W orld A nti-Fascism W ar is also called theW orld W ar Two. It w as a global-wide inhum anand aggres…

关 键 词:国际关系  第二次世界大战  社会和平  两极格局  经济全球化  全球贸易
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