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引用本文:邓利娟,;朱兴婷. 台湾学运背后的经济发展困境[J]. 台湾研究集刊, 2014, 0(6): 44-51
作者姓名:邓利娟,  朱兴婷
作者单位:[1]两岸关系和平发展协同创新中心,福建厦门361005; [2]厦门大学台湾研究中心,福建厦门361005; [3]厦门大学台湾研究院,福建厦门361005
摘    要:台湾爆发“3·18”学运的一个深刻背景原因是近年经济持续低迷不振。台湾经济困境主要表现在经济增长、物价变动及劳动市场等方面。由于民间消费与投资增长乏力、出口竞争力明显下降、工业生产增幅小、服务业发展不平衡,导致总体经济增长动力明显不足。造成台湾经济困境的原因,除了全球景气衰退与台湾自身结构性问题外,近年台湾经济还面临一些新问题的严峻挑战。一是区域经济整合潮流对台湾的冲击效应日益明显;二是台湾应对大陆经济转型发展乏力;三是经济振兴严重受困于政治因素。台湾突破经济困境的路径,关键在于要排除非经济性因素障碍,深化与大陆经济交流合作,充分利用大陆市场和区域整合来提高自身竞争力。

关 键 词:台湾学运  经济困境  原因分析

On the Economic Development Dilemma behind the Taiwan Student Movement
Affiliation:Deng Lijuan, Zhu Xingting
Abstract:A profound background factor leading to the outbreak of the "March 18 Student Movement" is the continuous depression of Taiwan Economy in recent years. The economic dilemma is mainly manifested in the economic growth, price changes and labor market etc. On the other hand, the sluggish growth in private consumption and investment, the sharp decline in export competition, the small growth in industrial production coupled with the uneven development in services are also re-sponsible for the obvious insufficiency in overall economic growth momentum. Moreover, Taiwan economy has been faced with some new severe challenges in recent years besides the global recession and its own structural problems: the obvious effect of growing impact from the integration of regional economy, the weak response to the mainland’s economic transformation as well as the economic revitalization that is affected by political factors. Therefore, the writer believes that the key factor for Taiwan to break through its economic difficulties is to remove its non-economic obstacles, deepen the economic exchanges and cooperation with mainland and make full use of the mainland market and regional integration to improve its own competitiveness.
Keywords:Taiwan Student Movement  economic dilemma  cause analysis
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