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引用本文:王洪. 合同形式欠缺与履行治愈论——兼评《合同法》第36条之规定[J]. 现代法学, 2005, 27(3): 81-88
摘    要:随着合同法定形式的本质已从“效力性方式”演变为“保护性方式”,合同的法定形式已具备多重功能,相对应地必须谨慎调和形式强制与形式自由间的冲突关系。我国《合同法》一方面打破形式主义的桎梏而改采同意主义,仅在个别情形基于立法政策的考量而实行形式强制;另一方面又考虑到严格适用形式主义规则所产生的不公平结果,而在该法第36条出现一般性的履行治愈方式欠缺的规则;但是,如何解释该条规定,却是一个历来就争论不休的问题。以信赖保护说作为履行治愈的理论基础,并运用诚实信用原则对其适用予以限制无疑是理性的选择。

关 键 词:合同形式  形式欠缺  履行治愈  信赖保护  诚实信用

Contractual Defects in Form and "Cure by Performance" --An Analysis of Article 36 of the Contract Act of the People''''s Republic of China
WANG Hong. Contractual Defects in Form and "Cure by Performance" --An Analysis of Article 36 of the Contract Act of the People''''s Republic of China[J]. Modern Law Science, 2005, 27(3): 81-88
Authors:WANG Hong
Abstract:Along with the shift of the nature of the form of contracts from “effective form” to “protective form,” legal form of a contract has been invested with a variety of functions. Accordingly, we must carefully balance the conflicting relation between mandatory form requirements and freedom of contractual forms. The Chinese Contract Act, on the one hand, crumbles the fetters of formalism while assuming consensualism and provides that a mandatory form requirement can be applied only to specific cases in consideration of legislative policies. On the other hand, in consideration of the unfair consequences arising out of mandatory form requirements, Art.36 of the Act introduces the rule of “cure by performance.” However, how to interpret the rule has led to endlessly controversies. This author holds that the “protection of reliance” provides the theoretical foundation for the doctrine of “cure by performance,” which is, while in application, subject to the principle of good faith.
Keywords:contractual form  defect in form  cured by performance  protection of reliance  good faith
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