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引用本文:谢望原. 丹麦刑事法研究及对我国的启示[J]. 中国法学, 2004, 0(6): 163-173
摘    要:本文通过旁征博引的深入分析论证,揭示了丹麦刑法典与刑事执行法的历史演变、四大基本特色--充分尊重且保障公民人权、注重与国际刑法规范协调、反映恐怖主义犯罪最新动态、矫正为本的刑事政策及其对中国的启示。作者认为,丹麦刑法典与刑事执行法堪称具有21世纪欧陆法制锐意改革新理念的刑事法律,无论是其一以贯之的刑事政策思想抑或立法技术,均值得我国学习借鉴。

关 键 词:丹麦刑事法  人权  国际刑法  恐怖主义  刑事政策

Danish Criminal Code and Criminal Procedural Law Research
Abstract:In the article, the author deeply analyses and reveals the hour basic distinguishing features of the Danish Criminal Code and the Danish Correction Act, namely to fully respect and protect human rights, to absorb the rules of international criminal law, to reflect the newest trends of terrorism and to insist on the corrective spirits of criminal policy, as well as their inspiration for China. In the author's opinion, the Danish Criminal Code and the Danish Correction Act can be regarded as the example of legal reform in the Continent countries. It is worthy of studying for us that they embody the criminal policy and the technology of legislation.
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