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The European Union Qualification Directive: The Creation of a Subsidiary Protection Regime
Authors:McAdam   Jane
Affiliation:* BA (Hons) LLB (Hons) (Syd) DPhil (Oxon); Lecturer in Law, University of Sydney. The law is current as at May 2005
Abstract:The European Union Qualification Directive is the first supranationalinstrument to seek to harmonize complementary protection (termed‘subsidiary protection’ in the EU). Though it hasshifted complementary protection beyond the realm of ad hocdomestic practices to a codified regime, it entrenches a protectionhierarchy that unjustifiably differentiates between the rightsand status accorded to Convention refugees vis-à-visbeneficiaries of subsidiary protection. This article tracesthe development of the Qualification Directive by examiningpreparatory documents and drafting records. It discusses changesto the categories of persons granted subsidiary protection aswell as to the substantive rights attaching to that status.In particular, it criticizes the narrowing-down of originally-proposedcategories of persons eligible for subsidiary protection, arguingthat omitting to provide for known groups of extra-Conventionrefugees does not eliminate them, but simply creates new categoriesof unprotected persons. It also highlights the absence of anyinternational legal basis on which to base distinctions betweenthe rights granted to Convention refugees vis-à-vis beneficiariesof subsidiary protection. It concludes that the QualificationDirective represents a regional, political manifestation ofthe broader legal concept of complementary protection, and assuch does not provide a model for emulation at the internationallevel.
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