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Building brands through alternative brand contact communications
Authors:Ernest North  Carla Enslin

For many customers and consumers, the brand ‘is the product’. Managers and marketing specialists therefore consider branding as a key strategic tool used to create awareness, reputation and build the organisation's image. The brand image results from contacts that stem from both the marketing and communications domains. To develop a synergistic brand identity all levels of consumer interaction or contact with the brand must be addressed and not only those delivered through planned marketing communications efforts. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the theory underlying the perceived nature and role of alternative brand communication contacts, within the context of the outside-in integrated brand contact approach in the South African marketing and communications industry. Certain propositions will be formulated to serve as stimuli that can be used to critically assess the inclusion of alternative brand communications techniques as an extra function of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). Suggestions for future research will be offered.

Vir baie verbruikers en kliënte is die handelsmerk die ‘produk’. Bestuurders en spesialiste in bemarking beskou die handelsmerk dus as 'n kern strategiese wapen wat aangewend word om bewuswording en reputasie te bou en die organisasie se beeld te vestig. Die handelsmerkbeeld het sy oorsprong in kontak wat uit beide die bemarkings- en kommunikasiedomeine voortvloei. Die ontwikkeling van die handelsmerkidentiteit op 'n sinergistiese wyse vereis dat alle vlakke van kontak en interaksie met die handelsmerk aangespreek word. Die doel van hierdie artikel is om 'n oorsig te gee van die teorie wat die aard en rol van alternatiewe handelsmerk kommunikasie-kontakte, in die konteks van die uitwaartse-in, geïntegreerde handelsmerk kommunikasie in die Suid Afrikaanse bemarkings- en kommunikasie-industrie, onderlê.
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