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引用本文:邱兴隆. 论一般预防的正当性──兼与否定论者商榷[J]. 中国法学, 2001, 0(4): 20-35
摘    要:从将人作为目的的命题中不能推论出将一般预防作为刑罚目的必然将人仅仅作为实现社会目的的手段,因而得不出否定一般预防作为刑罚目的的正当性的结论;一般预防与报应之间是一种既对立又同一的关系,基于两者的同一性、将一般预防作为刑罚的目的未必会导致严刑苛罚,基于两者的对立性,一般预防具有相对于报应而作为刑罚目的的独立的意义;一般预防与个别预防的关系同样是一种既对立又同一的关系,解决两者冲突的正确途径不在于简单地舍弃一般预防而保全个别预防;一般预防否定论者所提出的否定一般预防正当性的任一理由均可用以否定其所赞成的个别预防,否定一般预防作为刑罚目的的正当性,必然陷入自相矛盾的逻辑误区。

关 键 词:否定论  一般预防  报应  罪刑均衡  个别预防

On the Justifiability of General Prevention
Abstract:From this proposition, we can not infer that taking general prevention as the purpose of pun-ishment necessarily treats man as the means for achieving social purpose, and thus can not educe the conclusionof negating the justness of general prevention. General prevention and retribution is antitheses as well as iden-tical. Based upon the identity, taking genera prevention as the purpose of punishment would unnecessarily resultsevere and cruel punishment, and upon the antinomy, general prevention has the unattached significance relativeto retribution. In the same way, general prevention and individual prevention is antitheses as well as identical.The right way of settling the conflict between them is not abnegating general prevention and preserving individualprevention. Any reason suggested by the negativists of general prevention as negating the justness of general
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