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Juvenile Delinquency in Central European Cities: A Comparison of Registration and Processing Structures in the 1990s
Authors:Frank Neubacher,Michael Walter,Helena Vaacute  lková,Krzysztof Krajewski
Affiliation:(1) Kriminologische Forschungsstelle, Albertus Magnus Platz, D-50923 Koln, Germany;(2) Plavecká, CZ 12800 Praha 2, Czech Republic;(3) Chair of Criminology, Jagiellonian University, Ul. Olszewsklego 2, PL 31 007 Kraków, Poland
Abstract:The authors trace and compare the developments in recorded juvenile delinquency in Hamburg, Prague, Cracow and Budapest from 1991-1997 and then analyse the processing and selection procedures of the various justice systems. They devote special attention to ethnic minorities within this filtering process. The most salient feature is that the crime rates and processing structures in the former socialist countries display considerable similarities. It would almost be possible to speak of a specific type of criminal justice system with a typical form of reaction. While in the West, the large number of suspects is considerably reduced during later stages of selection to a much smaller number (those actually sentenced and/or imprisoned), what the authors call a lsquofunnelrsquo model, in the East a smaller number of suspected offenders enters this selection process, but tends to remain within it and be sentenced - the lsquocylinderrsquo model. These procedural structures have changed little in the 1990s, and there has certainly not been any increasing alignment of the Eastern systems with the Western one. Indeed, the difference has, if anything, become greater. These lower crime statistics as compared with the West - represented here by Hamburg - are, however, not only the result of equally large discrepancies between the lsquorealrsquo crime rates, but in this regard the pro-active crime prevention measures of the police, which in Hamburg have caused the inclusion of an increased number of juveniles and foreigners in the crime statistics since 1995, have also had a great effect. The research project thus clearly demonstrates the importance of interpreting crime statistics neither as a true representation nor as a distorted reflection of the activities of a criminal justice system. Instead, these statistics should be seen as reflecting specific processing procedures and methods of crime control.
Keywords:comparative research  crim statistics  immigrants  juvenile delinquency  registration
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