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引用本文:陈刚. 我国民事执行回转理论基础与制度构造的革新[J]. 法学研究, 2022, 44(1): 86-103
摘    要:我国民事执行回转制度一方面因在实践运行中背离民事诉讼法的立法趣旨,出现了“审执合一”的程序构造和可能被执行回转之诉替代之问题;另一方面因生成于传统职权主义诉讼体制,又面临着理论基础和制度构造都需要彻底改造的问题。相较于其他被执行财产事后救济制度,民事执行回转制度对于实现诉讼经济和诉讼迅速的理念,促成纠纷一次性或最大化解决,有着十分明显的制度优势。因此,将民事执行回转制度由职权进行主义运行模式改造成贯彻处分权主义的运行模式,使之在保留原有制度功能及优势的同时,又符合新时代民事诉讼的发展需要,是当下民事强制执行法立法过程中应予充分考虑和努力解决的重大课题。具体制度构建上,应将不当得利之债规定为民事执行回转制度的实体法基础,并将其定性为实质诉讼规范;坚持审执分立的程序构造和排除另诉的处理方案;将回转制度规定在民事诉讼法“审判程序”编中,并设立裁判解释程序。

关 键 词:执行回转  最终调整说  审执分立  不当得利

Renovation of the Theoretical Basis and Institutional Construction of the Recovery Enforcement System in China
CHEN Gang. Renovation of the Theoretical Basis and Institutional Construction of the Recovery Enforcement System in China[J]. Chinese Journal of Law, 2022, 44(1): 86-103
Authors:CHEN Gang
Abstract:In China, the recovery enforcement system on one hand deviates from the legislative intention of civil procedure legislation, leading to such problems as the procedural structure of “integration of trial and enforcement” and the permission of instituting a separate action, and, on the other hand, originated in the traditional inquisitorial system and, as a result, needs a thorough reform both in basic theory and in institutional structure. Compared with other remedies in property enforcement, the recovery enforcement system has obvious advantages, such as being an economic, efficient and complete way of dispute resolution. Therefore, how to transform the operational mode of recovery enforcement from an inquisitorial one to an adversarial one to retain its function and advantages while at the same time satisfying the need for the development of civil litigation in the new era has become an important topic to be discussed and a major question to be answered in the formulation of the Civil Enforcement Law. As for the construction of the concrete system, rules on the debt of unjustified enrichment should be taken as the basis of the system of recovery enforcement and defined as substantive litigation norms. The procedure of separating trial from enforcement should be adhered to and the permission for the institution of a separate action should be excluded. The system of recovery enforcement should be stipulated in the Part of “Trial Procedure” in Civil Procedure Law, and a judgment-explaining procedure should be provided as well.
Keywords:recovery enforcement  theory of final adjustment  separation of trial and enforcement  un-justified enrichment
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