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Predicting norm enforcement: the individual and joint predictive power of economic preferences,personality, and self-control
Authors:Tim Friehe  Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch
Affiliation:1.Public Economics Group,University of Marburg,Marburg,Germany;2.CESifo,Munich,Germany;3.EconomiX,Paris,France;4.DICE,Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf,Düsseldorf,Germany;5.IZA,Bonn,Germany
Abstract:This paper explores the individual and joint predictive power of concepts from economics, psychology, and criminology for individual norm enforcement behavior. More specifically, we consider economic preferences (patience and attitudes towards risk), personality traits from psychology (Big Five and locus of control), and a self-control scale from criminology. Using survey data, we show that the various concepts complement each other in predicting self-reported norm enforcement behavior. The most significant predictors stem from all three disciplines: stronger risk aversion, conscientiousness and neuroticism as well as higher levels of self-control increase an individual’s willingness to enforce norms. Taking a broader perspective, our results illustrate that integrating concepts from different disciplines may enhance our understanding of heterogeneity in individual behavior.
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