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摘    要:在特殊的战争环境中,抗大逐渐形成了特色鲜明的干部党性教育模式:把握时代主题、明确办学任务,党性教育紧紧围绕抗日救国这一主题,始终以培养干部为任务;坚定方向原则、弘扬优良作风,在教育实践中发扬艰苦奋斗的工作作风、贯彻理论联系实际的教育原则;注重培育特色校风,保障各项党性教育顺利进行,激励学员奋发向上;在党性教育的方法上因材施教,注重理论教育与实践养成,开创性地探索符合党性教育规律和要求的校园文化建设。抗大的干部党性教育为中国共产党干部党性教育提供了成功的样板,对新时期干部党性教育产生了深远影响。

关 键 词:抗大  干部教育  党性教育

Enlightenments of Party Spirit Education in Political and Military School of Anti-Japanese Imperialism
Abstract:In special war time, the pattern of party spirit education nese imperialism and saving China, the political and military school of anti-Japanese imperialism gradually formed with obvious characteristics, namely, grasping the times subject of anti-Japamaking the task of training cadres clear, upholding the aim and principles, developing the Party's fine style of work of arduous struggle and theory integration with practice, cultivating the school style with characteristics to drive the students, teaching in accordance with their aptitude in education methodology, paying attention to the theoretical education and practice cultivation, and creatively exploring school cultural construction tallying with the law and request of party spirit education. The political and military school of anti-Japanese imperialism provided a successful model of party spirit education for the CPC ' s cadres, which is of vital significance for the new period.
Keywords:political and military school of anti-Japanese imperialism  cadre education  party spirit education
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