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On Value Security and the Overall NationalSecurity System
Authors:L I A O X i a o p i n g a n d S U N H u a n
Abstract:The universality of human nature determines the universality of values andits particularity determines the diversity and plurality of values that is the fundamentaldeterminant of security problems among different value systems. In a narrow sense,value security refers to a situation in which value concepts of a state, region, or anation, social class are not under threat from the external adversaries, which is calledconceptual value security. In a broad sense, value security refers to the consistencybetween the system of realistic value security and that of conceptual value security.National value security encompasses both value security in a nation-state and securityof national values, in which the former is featured by the recognition and acceptance ofa prevailing value in a nation-state, and the latter is characterized by the sovereignty ofnational values. Due to the fact that the issue of value system is a meta-theoretical oneand the security of conceptual value system is part of cultural security, value securityholds a core position in cultural security and is an important component of overallnational security system. Additionally, value security embodies the security of valuepursuits and value criteria in different spheres of the overall national security systemand therefore, it is also an indispensable and flexible support to the overall nationalsecurity.
Keywords:value security   national security   overall national security outlook   overallnational security system
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