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引用本文:莹莹. 符号权力视角下广告中的美女形象[J]. 安徽警官职业学院学报, 2011, 10(4): 111-116
摘    要:走在大街小巷或是打开电视屏幕,充斥于人们眼球的总少不了美女广告的影子,无论是报刊杂志上引人注目的封面女郎,还是电视广告画面中充满诱惑的霓裳艳影,美女广告无疑迎合了当前商业社会的需要,广告中的美女形象不仅深得男性的认同,更使得女性认同了它的运作逻辑,并自觉自愿的以其中的形象为模板来塑造自己。这看似表达了大众隐秘的内在审美标准,深得大众的认可,然而这种审美标准的背后却充满了男权话语的叙述,所谓的"美"与"性感"无不深深的打上了男权的烙印。本文试图通过对布迪厄的符号权力理论的论述,对广告中的"美女形象"进行社会学解读,探讨广告中的性别支配现象深层的原因,即当女性用一种男性的标准来看待自己时,她没有意识到她的思维方式包括行为方式已经被男权制的"惯习"深深的浸染了,并无意中成为男权制度的合谋和帮凶,从而从一个受害者又变成男权统治的压迫者、建构者。笔者希望借此唤醒女性的主体意识,彰显女性的独立人格与尊严。

关 键 词:符号权力  惯习  美女形象  男权制

On the Images of Female Beauty in Advertisements from the Perspective of Symbolic Power
Ying Ying. On the Images of Female Beauty in Advertisements from the Perspective of Symbolic Power[J]. Journal of Anhui Vocational College of Pollce Officers, 2011, 10(4): 111-116
Authors:Ying Ying
Affiliation:Ying Ying(School of Sociology and Political Science,Anhui University,Hefei,Anhui 230601)
Abstract:Advertisements showing the images of female beauty fill our eyes along the streets and on TV.The attractive cover girls of newspapers and magazines and seductive grace figures with raiment of brilliance on TV advertisements cater to the needs of the current commercial society.The female beauties in ads are favored not only by males,but also win the recognition of females in their logic operation,therefore they voluntarily model themselves after those image beauties.The seemingly secret inherent aesthetic standard recognized by the public,however,express strong voices of males."Beautiful" and "sexy" are marked deeply with patriarchy.This paper,based on Bourdieu's theory of symbolic power,intends to expand a sociology analysis on the "images of female beauty" and discuss the innermost reasons of sex domination in ads.Females examine themselves by the standards of males and they aren't aware that their ways of thinking and behavior have been permeated by the habitus of patriarchy.They are acting as accessory and sidekick of patriarchy and transforming from a victim to an oppressor and builder of patriarchy.The writer attempts to awaken the subjective consciousness of females and manifest their independent dignity.
Keywords:symbolic power  habitus  images of female beauty  patriarchy
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