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引用本文:汤文平. 批准生效合同报批义务之违反、请求权方法与评价法学[J]. 法学研究, 2014, 36(1): 93-113
摘    要:批准生效合同报批义务的违反带来一道法教义学难题,对法学方法的会通提出了要求。此前的解决方案大都株守涵摄模式,停留于民法外部体系,即便偶尔触及个别原则,亦仅一笔带过,缺乏系统性价值评价的自觉。就此难题应该借助请求权方法的指引,从外部体系透入到内部体系中去,然后再返回到外部体系中来。在内部体系中结合具体情形下的利益冲突,参酌社会经济发展导致的价值变迁,遴选评价因素,构建评价标准,动态而务实地解决问题。然后再继续借助请求权方法的指引,沟通原则体系、法教义学概念(类型)体系乃至法律(司法解释)条文体系。在此过程中,各种法学方法也将围绕制度问题的解决而融会贯通。

关 键 词:批准生效合同  报批义务  法学方法论  民法双重体系

Breach of the Obligation to Apply for the Approval of Contract, Claim method and Evaluative Jurisprudence
Abstract:The breach of the obligation to apply for the approval of a contract that needs approval to take effect puts us in a dilemma of legal dogmatics, the solution of which requires a thorough understanding of jurisprudential methods. Most of the previous solutions to this dilemma hold on stubbornly to the subsumtion mode and remain in the exterior system of civil law. Even if they occasionally touch upon some relevant principles, they lack the consciousness of systematical evaluation in the discussion of these principles, and the principles are soon ignored afterwards. To find a genuine solution to this dilemma, we should take the claim method as our guidance to find our way from the exterior system of civil law to the internal system, and then back to the exterior system. We should, in light the conflict of interest under specific conditions and the changes of values resulting from social economic development, choose evaluation factors in the interior system, construct evaluation standards and resolve the problems in a dynamic and pragmatic way. In the process of resolving institutional problems, we will also be able to have a comprehensive understanding and thorough mastery of the various jurisprudential methods.
Keywords:contract needing approval to take effect  obligation to apply for approval  jurisprudential methods  dual system of civil law
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