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引用本文:黄大宏,吴健超. 唐代窦氏《述书赋注》的体例创新与著作成就[J]. 浙江省政法管理干部学院学报, 2022, 36(1): 24-35. DOI: 10.14134/j.cnki.cn33-1337/c.2022.01.003
作者姓名:黄大宏  吴健超
作者单位:西南大学 文学院
摘    要:窦蒙、窦臮兄弟是代北鲜卑文化传统在中唐承续的代表人物,他们合力完成的《述书赋注》是唐代书学的扛鼎之作之一。在汉族文人书家辈出、书法实践与书学理论高度繁荣的唐代,这样一部辞藻雄赡、理论精深,并有体例创新的书论巨著出自于鲜卑后裔之手,既是胡汉文化交融的产物,也是窦氏的书法传统与时代文化共同孕育的成果。细绎《述书赋注》的文本结构,是由《述书赋》、注、《字格》和《题述书赋后》四个部分组成,其在东汉以来的传统书学著作中,产生了一个创新的著作体例,由此推动书学著作成就的创新。具体来说,赋与注的结合,造就了一部汉唐间规模最大的周秦书家传记体书学史巨著;引史注法入于赋注,造就了第一部史注体书学史巨著;《字格》的产生,又造就了第一部具有传统书学概念体系建构意义的书学论著。《述书赋注》的产生,是对汉唐间文化与学术传统的遵循和发扬,是魏晋以来的民族融合与文化发展在唐代、在书学领域的一个重要成果。

关 键 词:代北鲜卑  窦臮  窦蒙  《述书赋注》  

Style Innovation and Achievement of Dou's Shu Shu Fu Zhu in Tang Dynasty
HUANG Dahong,WU Jianchao. Style Innovation and Achievement of Dou's Shu Shu Fu Zhu in Tang Dynasty[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Gongshang University, 2022, 36(1): 24-35. DOI: 10.14134/j.cnki.cn33-1337/c.2022.01.003
Authors:HUANG Dahong  WU Jianchao
Affiliation:College of Liberal Arts, Southwest University
Abstract:The brothers Dou Meng and Dou Ji are the representatives of the continuation of the northern Xianbei cultural tradition in the middle Tang Dynasty. Shu Shu Fu Zhu completed by them is one of the most outstanding works of the calligraphy study of the Tang Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, when literati and calligraphers of ethnic Han came out in succession, calligraphy practice and calligraphy theory were highly prosperous, such a masterpiece of calligraphy with rich rhetoric, profound theory, and innovative style came from the descendants of Xianbei, and is a product of the fusion of Hu and Han culture. It is also the combination of Dou's calligraphy tradition and the culture of the times. The text structure of Shu Shu Fu Zhu is composed of four parts: Shu Shu Fu, Annotation, Zi Ge and Ti Shu Shu Fu Hou. It is in the traditional calligraphy works since the Eastern Han Dynasty. A new style of Fu Zhu Ge was produced, which resulted in innovation in the achievements of calligraphy study. To be more specific, the combination of Fu and annotation created one of the largest masterpiecesof Zhou and Qin calligraphers' biography history in the Han and Tang Dynasties; the introduction of historical annotations into Fu annotations created the first historical annotated masterpiece of calligraphy; the emergence of Zi Ge created the first book theory with the significance of the construction of the traditional calligraphy study concept system. The emergence of Shu Shu Fu Zhu is to follow and carry forward the Chinese cultural and academic traditions between the Han and Tang Dynasties. It is an important achievement of the national integration and cultural development since the Wei and Jin Dynasties in the Tang Dynasty and in the field of calligraphy study.
Keywords:Daibei Xianbei  Dou Ji  Dou Meng  Shu Shu Fu Zhu  
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