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Lessons Learned from the Past Can Serve as a Guide for the Future——Marking the 60~(th) anniversary of the victory over fascism
摘    要:A period of60years is nota shortone, butthe his-torical facts still com e up vividly before peoples'eyes,as ifhappened yesterday.O ver 60years ago,fascists in G erm any, Japan and Italy carried outpolicies ofaggression and expansion, so as to con-tend for world hegem ony and provoked the SecondW orld W ar.The W orld W ar Ⅱ is in nature a w orld war againstfascism .The A xis Pow ersincluding G erm any,Japanand Italy on one side and the A llies and the w orldanti-fascistforces on the othe…

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