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引用本文:冯玉军. 权力、权利和利益的博弈——我国当前城市房屋拆迁问题的法律与经济分析[J]. 中国法学, 2007, 16(4): 39-59
摘    要:近年来,房屋拆迁问题及我国现行房屋拆迁制度的调整缺失成为社会关注的焦点问题,屡屡发生于各地的恶性房屋拆迁事件更是将这项攸关民生与民权的核心问题推向社会转型的风口浪尖。在这些房屋拆迁纠纷事件中,政府、开发商、法院、建筑公司、社会公众都卷入其中,私人权利与公共利益、个人利益与政治权力以及商业利益交织在一起,矛盾纠缠错结,愈演愈烈,造成社会关系的高度紧张。本文旨在从法和经济学的角度探讨现行拆迁制度的利弊得失,并结合相关典型案例对政府、开发商、被拆迁人的各自利益关系进行梳理,进而对由物权法、土地管理法、城市规划法、城市房地产管理法,特别是城市房屋拆迁管理条例等基本法律调整下的城市房屋拆迁问题进行博弈论和模式化的分析,揭示出当前城市房屋拆迁纠纷的法律困境及其根源,最后在总结经验和法律比较的基础上提出完善现行房屋拆迁制度的对策建议。

关 键 词:城市房屋拆迁  法律与经济分析  对策建议

A Game between Power, Rights and Interests
Feng Yujun. A Game between Power, Rights and Interests[J]. China Legal Science, 2007, 16(4): 39-59
Authors:Feng Yujun
Abstract:In recent years, the problem that China’s chaiqian ("Demolition and Relocation") has emerged as a field prone to disputes. Such disputes frequently involve various governmental bodies, private developers, the courts, construction companies, and the general public. Conflicts between the private rights and the public interest, between the individual interests, commercial interests and the political power, are becoming increasingly fierce and have raised concerns about social stability. Those well-connected construction developers try to gain the huge illegal profits. Some forced eviction cases violate basic human rights,but the legal redress for evicted persons still lack. With an examination of the current law framework in China and what policy changes have been to attempt to deal with the issues associated with Demolishment and Relocation, the author use the method of law and economics and two game theory models to directly illustrate situation encountered in practice and the Property law,Law of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of the Urban Real Estate,City Planning Law of the People’s Republic of China,especially Regulation on the Administration of Urban House Demolishment and Relocation and other national laws and regulations. Finally, the author describing the present difficulties in legal relief for Chaiqian disputes, and presents some possible solutions and recommendations.
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