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The utility of mitochondrial DNA sequences for the identification of forensically important blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in southeastern Australia.
Authors:J F Wallman  S C Donnellan
Affiliation:Department of Environmental Biology, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, 5005 SA, Australia. james.wallman@adelaide.edu.au
Abstract:The applicability of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequencing was investigated for the identification of the following forensically important species of blowflies from southeastern Australia: Calliphora albifrontalis, C. augur, C. dubia, C. hilli hilli, C. maritima, C. stygia, C. vicina, Chrysomya rufifacies, Ch. varipes and Onesia tibialis. All breed in carrion except O. tibialis, which is an earthworm parasitoid. Emphasis was placed on Calliphora species because they predominate among the carrion-breeding blowfly fauna of southern Australia and their immatures are difficult to identify morphologically. A partial sequence of the mitochondrial COII gene was determined for all species and for COI for C. albifrontalis, C. augur, C. dubia and C. stygia only. Five other species of blowflies, Chrysomya albiceps, Ch. rufifacies, Protophormia terraenovae, Lucilia illustris and L. sericata, for which sequence data were already available, were also included. Analysis of the COI and COII sequences revealed abundant phylogenetically informative nucleotide substitutions that could identify blowfly species to species group. In contrast, because of the low level of sequence divergence of sister species, the data could not distinguish among taxa from the same species group, i.e. the species within the C. augur and C. stygia groups. The molecular data support the existing species group separation of the taxa within Calliphora. Because of the speed and accuracy of current nucleotide sequencing technology and the abundant apomorphic substitutions available from mtDNA sequences, this approach, with the analysis of additional taxa and genes, is likely to enable the reliable identification of carrion-breeding blowflies in Australia.
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