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引用本文:杜育群. 行政裁量与依法行政之博弈[J]. 福建警察学院学报, 2016, 0(1): 86-94
作者单位:福建警察学院治安系,福建 福州,350007
摘    要:依法行政的本质属性是对行政权的规制,从行政裁量权的角度看,这种规制体现在对裁量的主体、权力取得、适用、动机、程序、手段、效果和责任的制约。由于行政裁量权的"自由"性、行权"人"的缺陷以及权力所有者与使用者分离的缺陷,扩张成为行政裁量权的内在要求,表现为越权作为、权限内乱作为、规避和懈怠四种形式。行政裁量与依法行政的博弈经历了从排斥到接纳再到统一的历程,实现统一的关键在于构建起立法、行政、司法、媒体和公众"五位一体",事前、事中、事后全程监控,外部他律和内部自律相结合的行政裁量权综合管控模式,并处理好"羁束与裁量""规则与原则"和"自律与他律"的平衡。

关 键 词:依法行政  行政裁量  博弈  规制性  扩张性

On the Game Between Administrative Discretion and Administration by Law
Abstract:The essential attribute of the administration by law is to regulate the administrative power. From the perspective of administrative discretion, such regulations include identifying the administrative body, the adminis-trative power authorized and its application, the procedures of the discretion, the administrative responsibility and final effects. There are four types of expanding the administrative discretion—ultra vires, violating legislation, eva-sion and slackness-as a result of the"freedom" of the administrative discretion power, the defects of the"persons"having such power,the defects when the persons having the power are different from the persons using the power. The game between administrative discretion and administration by law has experienced the exclusion stage, the ac-ceptance stage and the unification stage, and the key point to unify them is to establish a comprehensive manage-ment and control model. This model combines legislation, administration, justice, the media and the public ( the five bodies) and the whole procedure will be under supervision. Also, the balances between self-regulation and outer regulation, restriction and discretion, rules and principles are required.
Keywords:administration by law  administrative discretion  game  regulation  expansion
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