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引用本文:林晓萍. “冷战”时期之禁毒与美国外交取舍[J]. 福建警察学院学报, 2016, 0(1): 26-31
作者单位:福建警察学院基础课教学部,福建 福州,350007
摘    要:"冷战"时期,以美国为代表的西方社会,以联合国为舞台,借助新闻媒介之手,曾经展开过一场禁毒遏共外交活动。这既是当时特殊的"冷战"背景下美国遏制与孤立新中国的产物,更是美国对外政策实施过程中以话语权优势制衡对手的惯有手法,而由此助长了东南亚"金三角"毒品源地的坐大,则显然是以意识形态为标尺的"冷战"背景下禁毒外交取舍不当之"苦果"。唯有摒弃意识形态领域的偏见,保持禁毒的初衷不变,国际禁毒事业方能得以长足发展。

关 键 词:“冷战”  遏共  禁毒外交  “金三角”

Drug Control and the U. S. Diplomatic Priority in the "Cold War" Era
Abstract:During the"Cold War" Era, the United States, as the representative of the Western Society, taking the United Nations as a stage and with the help of the media, had carried out an anti-communist drug diplomatic movement, which on one hand resulted from the containment and isolation upon China by the U. S. under that par-ticular circumstance of "Cold War" Era, and on the other hand was a conventional manipulation deployed by the U. S. when she intended to counterbalance her opponents in the process of implementing her foreign policy. Obvi-ously , the development of the drug source"The Golden Triangle" located at Southeast Asia was a disastrous conse-quence due to the U. S. diplomatic priority in drug policy based on ideological imagination. The cause of interna-tional drug control can achieve leaps and bounds only if the bias in realm of ideology be abandoned and the orienta-tion of drug control be maintained.
Keywords:the "  Cold War"    suppression of communism  drug diplomacy  drug source of Golden Triangle
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