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An Investigation of the Public Deficts and Government Spending Relationship: Evidence for Greece
Authors:Hondroyiannis  George  Papapetrou  Evangelia
Affiliation:1. Bank of Greece, Economic Research Department and Harokopio University, Athens, Greece
2. Bank of Greece, Economic Research Department, and, University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Abstract:This paper tests the validity of the Buchanan-Wagner hypothesis for Greece, that increases in public spending are the result of the tolerance of large deficits over the period 1961–1994. To test this hypothesis, three unit-root pretests, the Dickey-Fuller, Phillips-Perron and Kwiatkowski et al. and maximum likelihood estimation techniques of cointegrating vectors and a vector error-correction model are employed. A long-run relationship is found to exist among government spending, deficit, income,wages and adult population and the importance of short-run deviations are presented. The empirical evidence suggests that Buchanan and Wagner hypothesis, seems to find support for Greece in the long-run and the short-run. Further, productivity in the public sector is lower than in the private sector and the growth of income is not an important determinant of the increase in the relative size of public spending.
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