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Abstract:Book reviewed in this article:
P hilosophy and P olitics . By B ertrand R ussell ( National Book League and Cambridge University Press . 29 pp.25. 6d.) E thical and P olitical T hinking . By E. F. C arrot
P ersonality in P olitics .Studies of Contemporary Statesmen, By S ir A rthur S alter .
F arewell to E uropean H istory or the C onquest of N ihilism . By A lfred W eber .
A rgentina . By N orman M ac K enzie .
J ustice and A dministrative Law. By W illiam A. R obson .Second edition, revised and re-written, 1947.
M inorities in the A rab W orld . By A. H. H ourani .
S alaries and C onditions of W ork of S ocial W orkers . A Report by a Joint Committee under the Chairmanship of T. S. Simey.
I taly . By E lisabeth W iskemann .
T he E conomic P roblem in P eace and W ar : S ome R eflections on O bjectives and M echanisms . By L ionel R obbins . Macmillan
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