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The Toleration and Erotization of Rape: Interpreting Charles Perrault s Le Petit Chaperon Rouge within Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century French Jurisprudence
Authors:Sharon P. Johnson
Affiliation:1. Virginia Polytechnic Institute &2. State University
Abstract:Fairy tales encapsulate the enduring myths of a culture, encoding the traditions and the moral values by which we like to think we live. (Garton 289) Ce que le monde fournit au mythe, c est un r el historique, d fini, si loin qu il faille remonter, par la fa on dont les hommes l ont produit ou utilis ; et ce que le mythe restitue, c est une image naturelle de ce r el. […] Le mythe ne nie pas les choses, sa fonction est au contraire d en parler: simplement, il les purifie, les innocente, les fonde en nature et en ternit , il leur donne une clart qui n est pas celle d explication, mais celle du constat. (Barthes, Paris, 230) What the world supplies to myth is an historical reality, defined, even if this goes back quite a while, by the way in which men have produced or used it; and what myth gives in return is a natural image of this reality. […] Myth does not deny things, on the contrary, its function is to talk about them; simply, it purifies them, it makes them innocent, it gives them a natural and eternal justification, it gives them a clarity which is not that of an explanation but that of a statement of fact. (Barthes, New York, 142-43)
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