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引用本文:张键. 中韩关系发展现状及展望[J]. 当代韩国, 2014, 0(1): 24-32
摘    要:目前中韩关系处于两国建交以来的历史最好时期。但是由于历史和现实的原因,中韩关系仍将面临诸多挑战,如韩美同盟的存在以及中韩对朝鲜政策的差异等因素都影响和制约了中韩两国政治安全关系的进一步深化。此外,中韩两国间存在的经贸问题、韩国政党政治和媒体干扰、两国人文交往问题,以及潜在的历史及领土问题等都是将来中韩关系发展所面临的主要障碍。鉴于此,中韩两国应该着眼长远,从地区和国际战略的高度为中韩关系赋予更新的战略内涵;同时,两国政府应该积极沟通,加强战略协调,可在区域合作的框架下进一步加强中韩关系,并引导积极的社会舆论。

关 键 词:中韩关系  朴槿惠总统访华  中韩战略合作伙伴关系  韩美同盟

The Development and Future Prospects of China-ROK Relations
Abstract:Currently China-ROK relations and bilateral ties are at the best period of development in history. However, due to historical and practical reasons, the relationship between China and ROK will continue to face many challenges, such as the ROK -U. S. alliance and the difference between China and ROK on DPRK's issues and other factors that has been hindering the further deepening of China-ROK political and security relations. In addition, the existence of economic and trade issues between China and ROK, the party politics and media interference in ROK, "people to people " issues between the two countries, as well as potentialhistorical and territorial problems are a major obstacle to the future development of relations between China and ROK. In view of this, China and ROK should look far beyond the current issues by reinforcing the strategic contents from the height of regional and international strategies for the China-ROK relations. Meanwhile, the two governments should actively communicate, strengthen strategic coordination, to further strengthen regional cooperation in the framework of China-ROK relations as well as make a good social media environment for promoting the China- ROK relations in the long run.
Keywords:China-ROK Relations   President Park Geun-hye's Visit to China   China-ROK Strategic Cooperative Partnership   The ROK-U. S. Alliance
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