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引用本文:王岳川. 当代中国的文化立场——“全球经济危机下中国文化发展战略”笔谈[J]. 浙江省政法管理干部学院学报, 2009, 1(5): 33-43
摘    要:30年改革开放,带来了中国经济的飞速发展,尤其是在当前全球经济危机的大背景下,中国在世界大家庭中的角色地位显得更为重要和突出。然而,我们的文化地位却与经济地位不成比例,文化的影响力远远滞后于经济的影响力,这无疑使我们的大国形象受到影响。2009年4月19~21日,由浙江工商大学人文学院、中华炎黄文化研究会和中国文化研究院(香港)联合主办的“全球经济危机下中国文化发展战略”国际高峰论坛于杭州成功召开。与会专家来自中国内地及港澳台、美日韩众多高校和研究单位,分别从文化、哲学、历史、文学、伦理、语言、传播、教育、宗教、经济、法律等诸多方面,对当前中国文化的发展战略问题展开了热烈而深入的探讨。

关 键 词:中国  文化立场  经济危机

China's Cultural Standpoint under the Global Economic Crisis
Abstract:Since China started the policy of reform and opening-up 30 years ago, its economy has developed very quickly. Facing the global financial crisis, China has been playing a more and more important role and has become the focus of the whole world. However, the place of our economy does not correspond with that of our culture. Economy does play a direct role in the development of the world and the development of mankind, but it is culture that holds up behind. Therefore, we should attach importance to the development of culture and let the world see a real and complete China. A global summit on this topic co-organized by College of Human Science of Zhejiang Gongshang University, Association for Yan Huang Culture of China, and Hong Kong Institute of Chinese Culture, was held in Hangzhou from April 19th to 21th, 2009. The scholars made a deep-going discussion on the China’s cultural standpoint and strategy from different perspectives such as culture, philosophy, history, literature, ethics, language, media, education, religion, economics, law, and so on.
Keywords:China  cultural standpoint  economic crisis
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