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The Ghosts of War Criminals in the Yasukuni Shrine
引用本文:Wu Guangyi Wang Wei(Translated ). The Ghosts of War Criminals in the Yasukuni Shrine[J]. International Understanding, 2005, 0(2): 14-18
作者姓名:Wu Guangyi Wang Wei(Translated )
摘    要:On the occasion of the 60~thanniversary of the vic-tory of the world anti-fascism war as w ell as theChinese anti-Japanese w ar, when people every-where are drawing lessons from the nightm are ofthe w ar and keeping the history in m ind for thesake of m aintaining the w orld peace,Japan is stillhaunted by its idea of m ilitarism and the Japaneseleaders are also claim ing to continue their visits tothe Y asukuni Shrine w here a large num ber of warcrim inals are honored. This has triggered of…

关 键 词:反法西斯战争  战争罪犯  靖国神社  日本  政治态度

The Ghosts of War Criminals in the Yasukuni Shrine
Abstract:On the occasion of the 60^th anniversary of the victory of the world anti-fascism war as well as the Chinese anti-Japanese war, when people everywhere are drawing lessons from the nightmare of the war and keeping the history in mind for the sake of maintaining the world peace, Japan is still haunted by its idea of militarism and the Japanese leaders are also claiming to continue their visits to the Yasukuni Shrine where a large number of war criminals are honored. This has triggered off the strong indignation of many people.
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