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引用本文:刘云生. 民法典设立先占取得制度之必要性与可能性透视[J]. 河北法学, 2005, 23(3): 25-30
摘    要:现行中国民事立法未明示规定先占取得制度,深刻影响着民法价值目标之合理性与体系建构之完整性。综观各 国立法,意识形态虽或相异,历史传统亦未必相同,但其于先占取得制度之构建方面却体现了一种共同之价值立 场并于法典中明示列出。以现行民事立法之价值选择与体系缺失两方面为切入点,分析先占取得制度阙如所产 生之诸种弊端,探明于未来民法典中增设先占取得制度之必然性及可能性,同时,以《中华人民共和国民法草案》 为蓝本对先占取得制度进行简要条文设计。

关 键 词:先占取得  比较研究  立法缺失  条文设计

On the Necessity and Possibility to Establish the Occupatio in the Future Civil Code
LIU Yun-sheng. On the Necessity and Possibility to Establish the Occupatio in the Future Civil Code[J]. Hebei Law Science, 2005, 23(3): 25-30
Authors:LIU Yun-sheng
Abstract:Occupatio is not clearly concluded in the current Chinese civil law. This affects deeply the rationality of the value target and the complete of the system construction of the civil law. This paper, taking a comparative studies view, proves the inevitability and possibility to establish Occupatio in the future civil code, at the same time, makes some legal provision designs on the basis of The Draft of the People' s Republic of China Civil Law.
Keywords:Occupatio  comparative studies  legislative shortcomings  legal provision design
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