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Researching Refugee Youth in the Middle East: Reflections on the Importance of Comparative Research
Authors:Chatty   Dawn
Affiliation:Refugee Studies Centre, Department of International Development, University of Oxford, 3 Mansfield Road, OX1 3TB dawn.chatty{at}qeh.ox.ac.uk
Abstract:This paper reflects on the value of comparative anthropologicalresearch with refugee youth. It examines a participatory researchprogramme in eight field sites in the Middle East and NorthAfrica. While recognizing the importance of the specific socio-politicaland cultural context of the different field sites, it has beenpossible to uncover similarities among refugee youth that wouldhave been missed were it not for the exercise in comparison.What emerges from these findings, within research contexts whichwere viewed, by some, as unique and thus not comparable, arethematic similarities. Characteristic of many young people livingin situations of prolonged forced migration are issues of multipleand conflicting identities and ambivalence to transgressed places;activism; and engagement in activities independent of existinghumanitarian aid structures. Thus it can be seen that comparativestudies can draw out the features and qualities which transcendborders, local cultures and the humanitarian aid regime to displaythe traits in common among refugee youth.
Keywords:refugee youth    prolonged forced migration    comparative research    participatory approach
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