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引用本文:朱锡轶. 犯罪嫌疑人强制医疗制度初探[J]. 中国卫生法制, 2009, 0(6): 8-10
摘    要:在当前社会关注的热点话题中,看病难、看病贵已经成为人民群众反映最为集中的问题之一。其实,不光是在广大群众中有这样的迫切反映,在司法机关实际办案过程中,也屡屡遇到类似的情况。在百度搜索“犯罪嫌疑人”“传染病”等关键字,搜索到的都是某些犯罪嫌疑人因身患传染病,公安机关无法处理或者用有限的经费为嫌疑人治疗的事例。本文探讨了这一现实中客观存在的法律及社会难题。

关 键 词:强制医疗  传染病  羁押期限

Research of the compulsory health care system of Criminal suspects
Abstract:In the current hot topics of social concern, the doctor difficult, expensive medical treatment has become the most people reflects on one of the issues. In fact, not only in the broad masses of people in such a pressing reflected in the actual case- handling process of the judiciary, but also frequently encountered a similar situation. Baidu in the search for "criminal suspects", "infectious disease" and other keywords, the search to certain criminal suspects are due to suffering from infectious diseases, public security organs can not process or use the limited funds for the treatment of suspected cases. In this paper, the objective reality of the legal and social problems is researched.
Keywords:Compulsory medical  Infectious diseases  The period of detention
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